What's Causing Your Dandruff & How to Fix It

What's Causing Your Dandruff & How to Fix It

Are you fighting the flake?

Research tells us that dandruff affects approximately 50% of the general adult population worldwide. Finding the solution can be confusing.


Did you know that there are two distinct types of dandruff?


What is dandruff?

Dandruff flakes are a result of the natural shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. Excessive clumping and flaking happen when the scalp becomes either too dry or overly oily. The severity of dandruff increases with increased rate of dead skin cells shedding. 

Oily dandruff is mainly caused by an overgrowth of bacteria due to excess oil secretion. This results in overstimulation of the scalp, which can lead to the occurrence of dandruff. This type of overgrowth bacteria is a fungus.


Oily dandruff symptoms:

Your scalp being oily, and itchy

The flakes are sticky

The flakes are larger in size

The flakes can either be yellow or white in colour


To treat oily dandruff it is important to choose purifying products that are anti-bacterial and oil balancing.


This is why, when we formulated our CLEANSE shampoo, we made sure we included natural ingredients that have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties.


Dry dandruff occurs when the scalp lacks natural sebum protection, causing the moisture on the scalp to dry out, crack, and shed as tiny flakes. Regularly moisturizing the scalp is the most efficient solution for treating dry scalp.


Dry dandruff symptoms:

Your scalp is dry and itchy

The flakes are dry

The flakes are smaller in size

The flakes are white and colour

These flakes usually fall on the shoulder


To treat dry dandruff, choose products that are nourishing and moisturizing and that offer a gentle cleansing and do a pre-wash oil treatment.


This pre-wash oil treatment can be facilitated by Rosemary Peppermint with Coffee Bean Growth & Strengthening Scalp Serum. 


Here to help you achieve the cleanest and healthiest scalp!

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