Want to know a secret to longer, stronger and shinier hair?

Want to know a secret to longer, stronger and shinier hair?

Want to know a secret to longer, stronger and shinier hair?
Hint: It might be in your kitchen cupboard.

It's a cloudy substance, it holds many nutrients, and includes an antioxidant known as inositol (this is known to be a hair rejuvenator). If you haven't guessed it by now, we are talking about Rice Water! 
Fun Fact: Using rice water as a "hair care product" dates back centuries in Asian culture. Many men and women still routinely rice water rinse on a weekly basis. 

What is rice water?
Rice water is the starchy liquid created when rice is soaked or cooked in water. It's rich in amino acids which is a great way to add protein to your hair. If you have ever over-done it with moisture and are lacking in protein, do a rice water rinse! 

Rice Water is rich in: 
Amino acidsVitamin B
Vitamin E
Benefits of rice water on hair
It can help make your hair shinier and stronger while also keeping troublesome tangles to a minimum.There is very little risk in doing weekly or monthly rice water rinses, just watch for signs of protein overload (brittle, wiry hair) as your hair might need more moisturizing after the rinses. 
If you’re dealing with scalp inflammation, we caution against using rice water to avoid additional irritation.

There are three main ways to make rice water, including:
1. A short soak lasting 30 minutes to two hours.
2. Boiling the rice-water combo.
3. A long soak for a day or more to ferment the water.
Our advice: 
We feel that the shorter option offers the best chance of success.The boiling process may diminish some of the nutrients and the long soak could add bacteria into your mix.

Soak rice in water for a minimum of 30 mins (you can soak overnight if you wish)Strain, keeping the water (it will be white and cloudy)Shampoo with BORN Naturals CLEANSE as per usualDunk hair into bowl of rice water OR fill spray bottle with rice water and drench hair (we advise submerging/fully covering the scalp as well)Let rinse sit on hair for at least 20-30 mins. Rinse well and follow with BORN Naturals HYDRATE conditioner.

- BORN Naturals
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